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How conversational UI can make an impact across your business (Part 1)

Find out how conversational UI can help you and your team in various parts of your business.


Conversational UI is a new concept. It’s possible you haven’t heard about it before. If you’d like to learn more about what it is and how it works, check out this blog post. If you are already familiar with what conversational UI is, we would love to tell you about how it can help you and your team in various parts of your business.

From customer support to sales and marketing, user onboarding to feature adoption, we will delve into the practical applications and benefits of leveraging conversational UI components provided by Unless.

With this technology, you can engage with customers in innovative ways and enhance their overall experience. Deliver seamless and contextual assistance, resulting in cost savings, improved customer satisfaction, and enhanced productivity.

And the data shows that this is crucial as 76% respondents in research conducted by Statista stated that customer experience impacts conversion while 40% stopped doing business with another company due to poor service.

Ps. One blog post wasn’t enough to mention all benefits, so there is also a part 2!

Customer support

Meet your users right where they are and offer 24/7, contextual, and personalized assistance in a dialogue. This is possible with Unless’ conversational UI components and an AI that has been specifically trained to have deep knowledge of your product.

Your AI can understand and interpret customer queries, provide accurate responses, and help resolve issues quickly and efficiently. This can lead to significant cost savings for businesses, as well as improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Customer support use case example

You can use our conversational UI components to help your customers directly in your product if they have a question or get stuck. With most chatbots, the user often has to use keywords and hope that the bot understands them, select what fits their situation from multiple-choice options, and receive links to articles and FAQs. When the user clicks the link, they are taken out of the product experience and on to a help center or blog instead.

What if you could help your customers directly in the product, without taking them out of that experience? With the conversational UI components of Unless, that is now possible.

Sales and marketing

Conversational UI can be used to engage with prospects and customers in a personalized and conversational way on your website as well as in your product. By providing tailored recommendations and support based on customer preferences and behaviors, conversational UI can help drive sales, improve lead generation, and enhance overall customer experience.

If a lead is interested in your product but they have questions, some of these can already be answered by your trained AI agent provided by Unless. This is particularly helpful if they aren’t yet convinced enough to leave their email address or to book a call with a salesperson. Once they know more and are informed and guided by your AI agent, they just might be committed enough to take the next step!

Sales and marketing use case example

It is also key to note here that an AI agent is like a member of your team with its own goals and style. So your sales (AI) agent can focus on lead generation and potential upsells together with the help of audience segmentation for better targeting. The AI agent can tailor its messages just like a salesperson would. And using the AI plugins we provide, a form can be filled and a demo booked all within our UI components!

User onboarding

Conversational UI can provide personalized onboarding support and guidance to new users which can help improve retention and productivity. You can point your users to the right features with an AI acting as their own personal assistant, communicating through chat, alert boxes, and tooltips.

One of the first use cases requested by our customers when we initially launched our components with conversational UI functionality was the onboarding of new users. You can train an AI agent to act like an admin that knows everything about your product and its features, based on the information you feed it of course.

Your website, blogs, articles, all the documentation… It could take a new user weeks to get through all that content and only a few minutes for the AI. Your onboarding agent can then become a reference point for new users, someone they can easily ask questions to and get speedy answers, without having to wait for a reply and getting stuck in the meantime.

You can attach prompts to various tabs and buttons across your product, use side-boxes and popovers to explain a dashboard or walk them through the steps they need to take with a multistep component and so much more.


Above is an example of a custom inline component in a product dashboard providing tips about different functionality available in the app. With conversational UI, instead of having a Learn More button that takes the user to a help center article, you could trigger a conversation instead. Then the user can learn more about said functionality by interacting with the AI agent, without ever having left the product!

Feature adoption

Similar strategies to what you would use for new user onboarding can also be applied to your existing users. When using a product for a long time already, it's easy to assume you already know everything and miss new features or updates to pre-existing functionality. And while this is natural, as a business it means your existing users might not be getting the most out of the product.

In a time of ever increasing customer acquisition costs (CAC) and hesitant buyers, retention is your friend. Using the conversational UI components of Unless, you can meet your existing customers right where they are. Help them get more out of your product, with contextual side-boxes, nudges, or chat messages - in a conversation with a personal AI product advisor. This can help users discover features they may not have known about and receive personalized assistance in using the product.


In conclusion, the power of conversational UI extends far beyond simple interactions. By integrating conversational UI components and leveraging the capabilities of AI, businesses can transform various aspects of their operations and enhance customer experiences. Whether it's providing 24/7 personalized customer support, driving sales and marketing efforts through tailored recommendations, improving user onboarding and retention, or facilitating feature adoption among existing users, conversational UI proves to be a versatile and valuable tool.

By meeting customers right where they are, businesses can offer immediate assistance, resolve issues efficiently, and create meaningful engagements. The seamless integration of conversational UI within products eliminates the need for customers to navigate away to help centers or external resources, ensuring a smooth user experience. Additionally, the ability to train AI agents to mimic the behavior of sales representatives or product advisors allows for targeted and personalized interactions that drive customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Incorporating conversational UI across your business can yield significant benefits, including cost savings, improved customer satisfaction, increased sales, and enhanced user engagement. So, why not harness the power of conversational UI to make a lasting impact on your business?

my image Some great alternative text

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We are known for our quick responses if you have an issue. Feel free to ask us anything. But you can also ask our conversational AI a question, of course!