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How to set up, enrich, and export visitor lists

Learn how to use the Visitors Report to enrich your visitor lists and power experiences across channels (including email).

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Users list

This users list allows you to gain real-time, in-depth insights into who has visited your website over the past 30 days. Initially, a visitor is anonymous but through components and the API, it can be enriched with an email address and other identifying traits.

It is possible to filter this list by companies, goals, audiences, and components. You can also search for a specific user by email or identifier.

In the screenshot below we see if a user has been identified, when they were last seen as well as the city they visited from. You can also customize these columns to fit your particular business needs.

Users tab with search and filter functionality highlighted


For each user, Unless creates a new profile that can be accessed by clicking on "Details". Here information is collected about new and returning visits (provided the user didn't delete their cookies).

A user profile contains:

  • Details: key facts about a person (e.g. location, first visit, last visit,...)
  • Audiences: the audiences they are a member of (e.g. customer, trial user, frequent visitor,...)
  • Achievements: the goals they achieved (e.g. login, purchase, download,...)
  • Traits: any information you enrich via components, contacts, integrations, or the API (e.g. email address, name, current plan,...)
  • Pages visited: a list of all pages they viewed

User details page

Identified users

To turn an anonymous visitor into an identified one, you have to collect the visitor's email address through one of Unless' email capture components, one of our many integrations, or the API.

Identifying visitors by their email address can be extremely valuable for two reasons. First, it allows you to further enrich the visitor data (with firmographic information or anything custom through the API). Secondly, you can export the collected data which in turn can power experiences across different channels (e.g. email, remarketing, ads).

Enriched users

As mentioned already, a visitor can be enriched with traits. Traits are unique to your setup and can contain any data points you choose to upload via integrations, the API or Contacts (pricing plan, last purchase,...). Additionally, user data can be enriched with firmographic data (company, job title,...).

User export

The most powerful feature of the User list is the CSV export. It allows you to download a list of all visitor data making it the cornerstone of multi-channel experiences. Once you click on the "Export" button, Unless sends a request to its database and a few minutes later you will receive your export via email.

Ps. This user data can also be passed on to your sales and marketing tools using one of our many integrations.

Use cases:

  • Enrich your CRM with data about prospects' on-site behavior so your sales team can better understand their interests.
  • Power your email marketing by uploading information about what content your readers consumed so you can send them more engaging newsletters.
  • Create targeted remarketing campaigns based on audience membership so you only remarket to visitors who are likely to convert.

Visitor data & audiences

All stored visitor data can be used to create audiences. This is especially powerful in regards to information about achievements and traits.

You could, create an audience for all visitors who downloaded your eBook and show them a component promoting the matching online course. You could have audiences per customer plans, industries, product interests and so much more.


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