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2023: looking back and looking ahead

Reflecting on a transformative year in AI innovation and what's to come in the new year.


Hello everyone, I hope this message finds you well as we wrap up another hectic year here at UNLESS.

Looking back on the past twelve months, one tech trend that truly stole the spotlight was the rise of Artificial Intelligence. In the beginning, it seemed like everyone was racing to grab hold of foundation models. But as the dust settled, it became clear that just having technical solutions or basic startup offerings wasn't enough for enterprises looking for more than just pilot projects.

Predicting this shift by the end of 2022, we decided to blend AI foundation models into our already rock-solid feature delivery platform, tackling a specific, real-world challenge. Let me explain.

For most enterprises, customer success often boils down to providing quick and accurate responses across various channels. That’s the reason why, according to Bloomberg, generative AI assistance is about to create a massive, multi-billion dollar market.

However, slapping a thin layer around a Large Language Model doesn't quite cut it for enterprises dealing with security, data governance, compliance, and quality assurance in the ever-changing EU regulatory scene.

But don't worry – we've got your back, as our journey didn't start yesterday. In collaboration with some of our largest customers, we've crafted the industry's first end-to-end, omnichannel conversational search platform for enterprises.

This breakthrough lets large organizations deploy generative AI assistance seamlessly across channels, whether supporting internal teams or engaging directly with customers, unlocking all knowledge hidden within their organizations.

And guess what? It's working!

Since our launch last summer, we've seen a significant boost in revenue and welcomed numerous clients from highly regulated sectors like Finance and Healthcare – from hospitals to pension funds, accounting solutions, and more.

But hold on, because we're not stopping there. Thanks to the feedback from these new clients, we're cooking up solutions to take things to a whole new level. One concern that came up was the perceived lack of empathy in AI.

So now, leveraging our built-in audience segmentation, you can not only define a personality for the AI but also tailor its interactions based on the unique traits of any user, mimicking human empathy to a high level. It's a game-changer, especially when dealing with more vulnerable individuals.

And that's not all. Picture this – an AI assistant in a dashboard that adapts that same dashboard to your needs while you are talking to it.

Enter AI Actions – simple workflows that can be seamlessly added to the AI training data without any coding. These actions interact with our extensive web component framework, letting the AI introduce new features into any existing interface as you go. Imagine the possibilities!

As we look back on this year's achievements, I want to express my gratitude to our amazing team and visionary clients who have played a crucial role in our current successes.

Looking ahead, we're excited about what the future holds and determined to keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible in AI.

Thank you for being part of this incredible journey with UNLESS.

Wishing you all a fantastic year ahead!

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We are known for our quick responses if you have an issue. Feel free to ask us anything. But you can also ask our conversational AI a question, of course!