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2021: from personalization engine to a digital experience platform

It is almost 2022, so time to wrap up yet another year! Here we explain how we became a composable, plug-in digital experience platform.


Hi all, This is Sander, CEO at Unless, and this is our review of 2021. So, what happened in 2021? Society went through some drastic events, and so did business. Propelled by global events, digitization is growing faster than ever. For B2C and B2B companies alike, it has never been more important to do business online.

But this transition is not always easy. Obstacles are everywhere. Lack of budget, elaborate internal procedures, legacy technology, limited access to data, or just very slow and expensive implementation partners can bring your efforts to a grinding halt.

In the past year, we have been working on a solution to overcome these obstacles. The no-code, plugin digital experience platform of Unless allows you to create, launch and validate new personalized content and features on any of your existing websites or web apps - all by yourself, without writing code, at blazing speed.

How does this help you? Well, let's say you are a digital marketer, e-commerce manager or product owner, with a long list of ideas. Typically for larger organizations, only a few of these ideas actually make it to the website - usually after weeks and weeks of waiting for others to help you. Now, if you would be using Unless, you can skip the waiting and directly create, launch, and test every idea yourself. Even if those ideas require data from databases or existing business systems.

So, by removing all the obstacles that you may experience today, we give you the gift of time. By using Unless, you can minimize the time-to-market for every idea that you may have, so your customers will benefit sooner - and at a much lower cost for you. And again: we can do this by simply enriching your current website with additional content and components.

And different industries may have different needs. For example, in retail, you may want to quickly insert personalized website features that reflect offline purchase behaviour, to guarantee a smooth transition from offline shopping to a fully online experience during a Corona lockdown. We offer a feature component library that supports full personalization. We do this by tying into your loyalty card system, for example. If you are in retail, check out the several case studies on our website, like AS Watson (Kruidvat and Trekpleister) or Prenatal.

But also B2B companies can benefit specifically. This year, besides expanding our feature component library, we doubled down on our integration capabilities. This means that if you have previously hard-to-reach dat asilos, you can make this data actionable by simply connecting Unless to these data sources, and then add Unless to all the relevant websites that you may have. Suddenly, you can start adding context-aware content and features to any of the websites that your corporate group may own. If you would like to know how companies like Visma benefit, check out our Cookbook full of recipes that tell you how to optimize your customer experience.

We expect that digitization and online business will continue to grow in 2022. If you are looking for a cost-effective way to improve your digital business without hiring expensive resources, then please check out for more information, or reach out to me directly. Happy new year!

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