March 16, 2025
- You can now filter the Top 10 lists in insights by origin.
- The date range selection on the insights filter will also apply to the Top 10 lists.
- You can connect (multiple) audiences to resource collections, making some content available only to certain user groups (ie. admins vs. regular users).
- You can choose to only show the search tab in an AI component (without the AI chat tab).
- Bug fixes regarding conversation status, escalations, and flagged responses.
March 10, 2025
- When viewing the lists on the insights page (i.e., most asked, most unanswered, etc.), you can now see the full list (not just the Top 10).
- Conversations used to count as Escalated when the action was clicked. From now on, it only counts if the required fields are filled and sent.
- The weekly updates in Slack now include the number of sessions.
- We fixed a number of bugs.
March 3, 2025
- We’ve added two new blocks to the Insights overview to highlight the success ratio and escalations.
- Starter messages have been removed from responses (and the success ratio calculation). As a result, you might see a drop in your total responses. Instead you can see the full total in the new sessions insights.
- Actions can now execute immediately, in which case the option will not be visible to the user and won’t require a click to initiate.
February 24, 2025
- The initial conversation language is now limited to the allowed languages set in your account. For example, if you support English and Dutch and opted for the AI to match the user’s browser language, when encountering any other language, the AI will default to the fallback language.
- Added the option to remove PII from training data by default under privacy settings. Alternatively, you can toggle this on a per-source basis.
- We now support dependent variables in actions. This means you can now ask a question to the user, but only ask it if a previous variable has a specific value. So for example, you can ask the user to select their company size from a dropdown list and based on what was selected ask for the company name in case of small companies, and ask for the phone number in case of big companies (so you can call them back).
- Added a setting to change the image of the live chat agent in the AI component.
February 17, 2025
- You can now download conversations as a CSV file, opening up the possibility for deeper analysis with as many filters as you like. On the Conversations page, click "Export conversations" and specify the dates for which you want to receive the export. You’ll get an email once your export is ready to download.
- We've added a Compliance controls tab so you can easily find everything you might need about privacy and security in one place.
February 10, 2025
- You can now set the required amount of words for language detection to make it less or more likely to switch.
- When looking at the details of a conversation, you can now see which responses are considered answered/unanswered by the checkmark and cross icons attached.
- Multiple bug fixes and stability improvements to the team assistant.
- Bug fixes regarding user role changes and the chat scroll in the conversation center view.
February 3, 2025
- When excluding a document from training data, all subdocuments are also marked as excluded.
- If the AI didn't find the right article, you can now tell it which one is correct.
Insights revamped! 📊
- You can now see the success rate of the AI at a glance and over time.
- Unanswered responses and escalated conversations are shown in the graph with an orange line so you can monitor any changes.
- Metrics are now grouped based on responses, conversations, and searches.
Bug fixes
- Excluded resources no longer getting re-added when the original content changes.
- All ticket analysis events now show in the insights report.
- Filter dropdown in resources list no longer closes when you select or type something.
January 27, 2025
- You can now see all the tickets that got grouped together to form your suggested questions.
- Forwarding all AI conversations that didn’t escalate to a support email address is now possible. This is useful for keeping track of resolved cases in your CRM.
- ⚙️ Xurrent integration is now available! Pull your Xurrent knowledge base articles into Unless to use as training sources for your AI.
- Docx files are now supported when importing resources and PDF imports have been improved.
January 20, 2025
- You can now add a whitelist of words you don’t want to be removed by the PII filter. This will ensure the data and privacy protections remain in place while preventing certain words (ie. names of your products) from getting filtered.
- Live chat handover to FreshChat is now possible! 🎉
January 13, 2025
- We’ve launched a redesigned navigation! Features are now grouped under the following categories: data management, quality controls, user experience, and (coming soon) compliance controls.
- Conversation insights can now be filtered on origin (AI assistant, team assistant, dashboard testing, etc.) allowing you to drill down further.
- Actions now have a checkbox for whether the interaction counts as an “Escalation” (ie. forwarding to support).
- The Insights tab now has shortcuts for quick access to your training data, reports, and conversations.
- You can simply copy sources from one environment to another instead of having to re-add them manually.
- You can filter the quality assurance report by topic (previously referred to as segment).
- The AI component will show a scrollbar if there is more content than what is in view.
January 6, 2025
- You can now set the ingest frequency of a source to daily, weekly, monthly or never. This is set to weekly by default.
- You can now exclude a single resource from your training sources by using the Exclude document button. Excluded sources will still appear on the list (marked in red). If you'd like to add them again, click View content, and you will see a button that says Add document.